Jersey - Big_Pond, I also have a pond on a seasonal stream/creek that dries up mid summer for about 4 weeks or so, or until a heavy rain comes along. When asking if I needed the permit I was told by all including the ACOE that I did not. Now the interesting thing is that when the stream is running like it did the other day after a heavy thunder and rain storm it is running at about 300,000 to 600,000 gallons per hour. Not a small stream or small flow. Thank god I was told by all that I didn't need the permit to divert the creek into my pond and back out the back of it again.

1/10 - 1/4 acre pond plus 16 ft deep/ Plus 40 ft by 20 ft by 6 ft deep koi and fathead minnow pond next to it. Upstate NY