Any plant that grows where it's unwanted can be considered a weed.

Likewise, any fish that swims, can be considered a nuisance or trash fish if it's in the wrong place, or if the
numbers are wrong even though it might be in the right place.

Any number of BG in my cow pond are a nuisance. Any number of BG in my bait pond are bait.

3-5lb LMB are what I call a succotash fish. Filet it out, then cut it into chunks like you would a big ol catfish.
Fry up some taters and onions, add a can or two of stewed tomatoes, throw in some sweet corn and butter beans,
then toss in those ditch pickle chunks. Season it up with a big handful of Tony's or SlapYoMama, simmer until the
fish is cooked, and then chow down.

You'll thank me if you try it.