I found this online:

ods: Each night for a summer, one of six types of light bulb was used in a baffle/funnel insect trap. Bulbs were scheduled so that the moon's irradiance was equalized across treatments. Meteorological variables were somewhat equalized by bulb scheduling and otherwise partialled out as covariates. Mean capture rates of total insects and several insect Orders were compared between the bulb types using ANOVA. Results: A total of n = 8887 insects and spiders were captured. The incandescent bulb had the highest capture rate, followed by CFL, halogen, LED with a cool color temperature, and the "bug" light. An LED with a warm color temperature had the lowest capture rate. Similar patterns held for individual Orders. A notable exception was the "bug" light captured significantly more Dermaptera (earwigs) than all other bulbs and significantly more Hemiptera (true bugs) than the warm LED bulb.

The "bug" light that is referred to is a yellow led bulb.