Cargill is good feed with good conversion in LMB and BG. It is very dollar efficient for the conversion as well. I am referencing Greg Grimes findings where under his analysis it only slightly underperformed the Purina (MVP I think). Cargill IIRC provided conversion at the lowest cost. I'll link that page later as I am traveling.

Its hard to argue that protein is protein and so I do think fish based lipids and proteins are better ... But for aquaculture acceptable cost efficient alternatives are essential to sustainable feeds. So I see Cargill as a feed worthy of consideration.

Steve_, could you reference the source saying fish meal is not an additive of Cargill feeds? Most manufactures are very reluctant to speak about feed formulations. Also, I am reluctant to accept any claim that protein is sourced only to fish in any particular feed. In the end, if one feeds there will be a conversion/maintenance benefit. Where the focus is recreational, the difference in feeds isn't all that noticeable. In aquaculture, the difference is an economic effect that deserves much deeper consideration.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers