For my pond work for individuals I don't have a contract. I've been lucky to work with honest customers, most who have had to be rather patient waiting on me to get there.
For bid work for watersheds and other jobs the contract is like a book. The bid sheet is itemized by item.
example of bid sheet;
Excavation of Core Trench 500 cubic yards
Unit Price_____ Price _______
Earthfill Embankment 3500 cubic yards
Unit Price______ Price_________
Salvaging and Spreading Topsoil 500 cubic yards
Unit Price_______ Price_______
Total __________

And on the bid work the quantities are estimated on the bid, then measured for the actual cubic yards and the final price

Another option is to set a benchmark (a solid reference point for elevation). Cipher out the height of the proposed dam and the water elevation in relation to this benchmark. If 2 benchmarks can be sat, 1 at the same height of the proposed dam, and 1 the same height as the proposed water level, it would be great. However benchmarks must be in a safe area where they can't get destroyed or lowered.
Then bid on building a dam to the proposed height (elevation). Slopes, top width, core, topsoiling are all variables.
Good luck

Make it look easy,