I suggest you wait another 6 months and let the other fish get a chance to reproduce before letting bass go after them. The second and third generation will provide a great food source for the bass and the bass will grow quickly. Remember a bass can eat a fish 1/3 to 1/2 it's own length. If there is no fish that size in the pond, the bass will have a hard time.

I think you should feed the other fish as much as they will eat in a ten minute period. For every pound you feed, there is about a 1/2 pound gain in the fish (bream and cats). A bass will eat 5 to 10 pounds of fish to gain a pound. A good southern 1/2 acre pond can provide bass growth of about 40 to 50 pounds per year if the food is available. I think these numbers are correct. The math is such that 35 mature bass may eat 350 pound of fish. To supply that amount in a small pond means you have to do everything right. I suggest you purchase the basic pond management book from this site. It will give you some great information. Be sure to get some cover for the existing fish before releasing bass.

Hope this helps more than it confuses.
