Met with TX Parks and Wildlife Tuesday. I'm interested in a controlled burn and overall property recommendations. She really liked what I've done with the property thus far. It had been abandoned for 30+ years. Encouraged me to get started on the 5ac mesquite winter...maybe.
Went early for some peace and quiet fishing without the dogs. Caught several BG, a healthy LMB and hooked a CC that managed to untie the knot at the shore. Dang braid doesn't hold a knot well.
Ate BH twice for lunch this week. Trapping BH rate has significantly dropped. Only 2 today in the big trap and none in the cloverleafs. Water visibility is at least 24" in some areas. There is at least one swarm of YOY BH about .75" It was basketball size but after several days of daily 12ga blasts is down to softball size. I'm sure predation is also assisting.
Going to have some road work done soon. Hopefully I can sneak some BG gravel beds and rock pile into the budget. We have the rock, just need it moved.. SHHH!
[Linked Image from]

Last edited by ShortCut; 06/13/20 10:57 PM.