I have resisted this thread until now because my attitudinal lensing is far different than most. With that said, here goes. This is bad. On that we all agree. But why it's bad differs. Some are loosing money, other family members, and others their way of life or sense of normalcy. For me it's my way of life. Year over year, 650,000 people die of heart disease related causes in the US, yet we don't mobilize like this. Drugs, alcohol, suicide and other causes take over 100,000 more. We have concerts, specials, and donation events. But life goes on for most.

The American machine is coming to life to tackle this issue ( as is the world). That is awesome to watch with a bit of pride.

I am trying to look to the future, will this last? Will we come out of this stronger, more united, and with a sense of community? Or after this is defeated, will we fade back to the old ways and forget most of the hard learned lessons? I find myself thanking a lot more people for their efforts, but from a distance. I am more aware of the sacrifices of others, but for how long?

The unintended consequences of this must be a better "us". If not, we lost a once in a lifetime opportunity to be greater than the sum of our parts. Sadly the greatest generation is again going to sacrifice the most. It's just not fair, but what is.

To all that are sacrificing, thank you. For all that have rolled up theirs sleeves, thanks also. We all can do our part no matter how small, it all helps.

Let's not forget this. In the future, let's be more prepared. I don't want to be fooled like this again.

Time to strap on a jet and do my part. Stay safe, do your part and help the least among us. But most of all, remember these lessons, the price is high and I don't want to pay for them again.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%