Tim W,

I expect you will hear from Bill Cody as I asked a similar question of the forum a couple of years ago. Just in case, here is what Bill told me...

All things considered, it is far better to push the air to the site rather than run the electricity.

In my case, that meant digging a trench with a middle buster and burying 3/4 inch pvc....you can also use the cheaper plastic pipe, but I choose the more sturdy route. My distance was about 600 feet to push the air. The aeration system worked beautifully the first time and every time since. No problems.

Consider the cost of running the electricity, the danger (electricity near water not good) and the best approach is push the air. No discernable loss of air volume.

I'm thankful that Bill gave me that addvice and maybe can pay him back a little bit by passing it on to you.