Saw a bluegill in the water with his tail bitten off last week.

Today it was warm so I went to pond and was suprised to see an otter (or something very similar) swimming about like it was hunting for fish. Went back and got a varmit rifle and after awhile spotted the otter swimming about. It must have been hunting as it was arching it's body out of water with head below. The body seemed to offer the best target so aimed center mass at it and took a shot with a 50gr ballistic tip and the water exploded. Didn't see a body but also didn't see any more activity except for some bubbles that came up not too far away about 5 minutes later.

The otter looked to be about 25-30lbs. Never saw any sign of otters until the bluegill last week. Is it normal for a lone otter to migrate to a pond or do they move in families?

Last edited by nvcdl; 02/04/20 06:07 PM.