Thank you all for your thoughts and advice.

its been two months and I've made these adjustments:
since no sizable LMB could be purchased in central OH, I caught from a friend's pond 4 LMB about 12/13" [sex??]and stocked them mid-October.
a week later I stocked 30 [4-5"]HSB; most of the HSB are now 12" a few 13/14"; they are consuming shiners up to the 6" size [I know because I caught the shiners and used them to catch the bass -- however using several 7" shiners resulted in several 'tries' by the bass but no catch -- the brooder shiners are too big [good too these can spawn to resupply]

by the end of October the water was cool enough to stock trout; 15 trout were stocked at 12/13"; intent trout to consume shiners and minnows; over winter harvest out the trout = zero by march 2020.

in summary: the approx. predator count for over winter is

50 strippers at 11 to 14 inches
13 trout at 12 to 13 inches [harvested two to the frying pan]
4 LMB at 12 inches
67 total predator fish.

the water temperature a few days ago was 42-43F Secchi depth 36+"
feed fish down to 50F with noticeable feeding [semi-floating]
feed fish [intent was attach the trout] with noticeable feeding
caught a stripper [12"] and a bluegill [8+"] with water temperature hovering 48F in the afternoon, cloudy, but was sunny part of the day
will continue to feed lightly about once a week as long as the water temp 24" below surface is 40+F -- expect most of the food to be consumed by the trout and that's OK

this is the first winter with fish in the pond and a learning experience. plan to use x-mass trees for deep cover in several more locations in the 13 feet deep areas [50+% is 12/13 feet deep and flat]

Snipe: this spring will give me more information and will let you know outcome; by then I hope to have a fish feed installed and fish tagging equipment; yes will start harvesting the Hybrid bass about 50%; and stock 30 more HSB 4-5"

may you all have a great Thanksgiving