Originally Posted By: highflyer


Please read up on Vmp and charger voltage requirements for maximum solar power production. At 63V (voc I assume) you are loosing a lot of power to heat as your conversion rate is over 2 to 1 for a 24V system. Your Vmp should be less, so you are going to be closer, but nowhere near where you want to be to produce maximin power. When you install the other three panels, I would suggest three strings of two panels in series for better production. However, at 1200 watts, you would really be hitting those smaller batteries very hard in full MPPT production.

Appreciate the feedback.

The panels have Vmp of 21.052V and Voc of 24.335V, and the plan was always for two strings of three panels. My barn roof is not oriented for optimal solar generation and I've never generated more than 450W from my 600W of PV per charge controller data; for that reason I don't expect six panels of 1200W PV will ever actually generate more than a max of 900-950W.

The battery bank is currently four GC2s in series for 24V @ 215Ah; 1/6 that is 35.8 which is close enough to the 40A limit of my charge controller that I'm not worried about it...especially since in the very early days of my system (12V) the bank got depleted below 10V a few times due to an extended run of cloudy days which is the direct cause for the additional PV I need to install.

Figured I'd rather kill FLA GC2s while learning solar and configuring/reconfiguring my system than AGMs or LiONs.