I would do 1/3 to 1/2 every week or 10 days until you get a handle on it. We do not use aeration and if you lose control of coontail or pondweed early in the year then it is a matter of trying to knock it back to a (mostly) acceptable level.

I was too slow this year to get on the coontail and bushy pondweed and it got away from me in our 1.6 acre pond. It has been hot here in St. Louis but i have still treated it with a 4 gallon water mix that includes 50 ounces of diquat along with 5 or 6 ounces of Cutrine Plus (for the little FA we have) every week or 10 days for the last 6 weeks without any problem.....its has worked well and knocked it back to an acceptable level....no fish kill whatsoever.

I think you are not treating enough of the surface area per dose and allowing too much time between treatments. My 2 cents. BM61.

Last edited by bassmaster61; 08/07/19 07:43 AM.