Originally Posted By: TGW1
Mike the best way I have found to not have any knots in my leader is to not have a leader tied on. I will step outside, remove the leader and practice my cast. I want the fly line to lay smoothly on the ground and in a straight line toward my target with my presentation. Practice, practice,practice. smile Or maybe it's just me that needs all that practice smile

When the rod arrived it was already loaded with fly line and a tapered leader nail knotted to it. I just went to fishing.

I bought line/backing that has the welded loop on the end and replacement leaders that are also loop ended. I may just change out so itll be easier to replace leaders.

Do you use tippett for BG? If so what weight and how long. I havent seen that these fish care. If the fly lays above it they usually attack it pretty quick.

.10 surface acre pond, 10.5 foot deep. SW LA. The epitome of a mutt pond. BG, LMB, GSF, RES, BH, Warmouth, Longear Sunfish, Gambusia,Mud Minnows, Crappie, and now shiners!!...I subscribe!!