"When you transport fish and "introduce high levels of a "form similar to sea salt" you may think you are relieving stress but when you put freshwater fish in a hypertonic solution, you are causing plasmodesmata of the cell to almost cease function. I would be curious to know what and how much you use and for how long?"

Normally I would keep my mouth shut but essentially you're saying some of the best Fisheries managers in the country have been doing it wrong for years.
We teamed up with Nebraska and South Dakota last year during WAE egg take and had meetings about properly handling fish and we all came to the conclusion (through MUCH trial and error) that the addition of salts in holding tanks for females reduced stress, infections and mortality by a considerable amount. Some of these fish were held for 10-12 days in as high as 15% solutions.
I don't care how you want to look at this but it's proven fact, not theory, that this works.
Until I see data that goes against the top walleye egg producers in the united states, I believe nothing else.
That water analysis is for a home well-not a fishery. It says it may be caustic to pipes long-term, nothing else does it say to me.