Yep. I watched that segment.

I'm cynical on what 'they' think is correct/ not correct, as 'they' blow that amount in 60 seconds in this current dusty deployed location I'm at now..

But I digress...

From my SC DHEC comprehension, here is their mandate for a permit:

Permit Requirements

The requirement to obtain a permit applies to construction of new dams that meet the size to be regulated, as well as to alterations, repairs, and removals of existing dams that are regulated. Any new dam or repair, alteration, or removal of an existing dam that is 25 feet or more in height and/or impounds 50 acre-feet must be permitted before any work may begin unless the dam is exempt from regulation.

If the surface acreage is 5ac, and averages 6ft deep, I think I have a lot of wiggle room for the definition of "impounds 50 acre-feet". Is my math grossly incorrect?

Last edited by AFpj; 05/11/19 01:47 PM.