I used to feed Purina but my local co-op is terrible about ordering, they only get one Purina order a month and it seems I always missed their order date, they couldn't tell me a calendar day they order each month, and it just got to be a hassle, not to mention $57 a bag for 50 pound of grower 600.

I fed TSC multi species exclusively for a year and definitely did notice a decrease in overall fish health, mainly less meat on average when I would harvest. I really liked the multiple pellet size, but they protein level is a bit low for YP and it kinda smelled like cat food to me.

I feed Mellick Aqua feed 40/10, 7.5 mm floating pellets to my YP now and they grow well on it. I can buy Mellick brand feed cheaper than Purina, a dozen bags of Purina will cost me over $600 and I can get the same amount from Mellick shipped here for around $425 and that includes the freight. I am also able to support a business in my own state, which I like.
