+1 on that TJ.

With that said yes I do use some tires not a bunch of them mind you but I have a couple single ones around the pond in a couple feet of water for smaller fish. I also have a pack of 4. 1 big one on the bottom and 3 leaners on it. I took an old paddle bit and drilled some holes in them to help them sink. Tied the leaners to the flat tire with some nylon rope with holes I drilled and then on the bottom side I put 5 or 6 bigger rocks in them to help hold them down as well I also did this in the one laying flat. This was all in about 5 to 6 feet. So once I was done so I knew where they were I pounded a half inch metal rod that was about 8 feet long into the middle of them so I could use it as a marker to know exactly where the middle tire was. Hope this helps and good luck.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!