I learned something related to the pond fishing. So I'll pass this along. When your plastics (worms, lizards, crawfish etc) get wet in their zip lock bags after a rain. And they lose color or become dull looking to where you consider throwing them away, just remove them from the bag and place them in a throw away diapers or kids pull up disposable panties. This removes or absorbs the water but not the oils and returned them to their packaged colors. I never herd of this, it was just something I tried because I had some of those baby pull up panties in the truck. Dumped them in the diaper and I was surprised when I looked the next day. Looked like new baits.

And like you Frank, when my lmb grew to larger size I've seen fewer snakes in the pond.

Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
