N.TexasHalfAcre, my experience is that 10-15# per acre won't handle a bad FA problem. Treating FA with one of the copper algaecides, then adding tilapia has worked for me though.

What size are the LMB & HSB in your pond? That would let you know what size tilapia to buy. Adult tilapia at 10-15# per acre might mean you're only getting 10-20 tilapia (my guesstimate). If so, there's a good chance that the tilapia will never spawn in numbers to control the summer algae. In fact, if you wind up with all males, which could happen with a number that low, there will be no reproduction, which would affect the forage advantage of the tilapia. I make the trip to Buffalo for my tilapia, and Todd has sexed the tilapia for me when I've bought low number breeding sets. IIRC, it's 1 to 5, or 1-4 males per females.

The NE TX Co-Op's used to carry tilapia, so that might still be an option. The closest NE TX Co-Op to DFW is in Greenville TX. 20-30 minutes maybe?

Last edited by FireIsHot; 03/09/19 06:00 PM. Reason: ADD