Looks good but if you can get more I would just stack them about three high tied together. All of that lattice work would provide good cover for small fish with the larger fish hanging around the ouutside.

With the pallet with that wonderful lattice work sitting on the bottom, sediment could cover up half of it up.

Another way would be to take 4 concrete blocks and zip tie them to the bottom of the pallet. Let the blocks be on the pond bottom raising the pallet off the bottom. Then maybe zip tie another pallet on top of that one. Spacer in between pallets would also give more lattice area.

Or stack three pallets tepee style zip tied together.

Giant extra heavy duty zip ties 3 to 4' long are available in bags of 50 or 100 at HVAC commerial supply stores. They use them to zip tie flexible ducting on to the main duct. They are very reasonably priced when bought in bulk at a professional store. Very high priced bought retail a few at a time. I use them to tie blocks to trees and all sorts of projects around the farm. Keep a bag of them around at all times.

What you did is great. These are just some other potential ideas.

Put more weight than you think you need. Attach it. Voice of experience. My CC or an errant fishing lure has caused some of my plastic to float and end up floating to shore.

Last edited by snrub; 03/09/19 08:04 AM.


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