I feed both Optimal and Aquamax. In the past I would also feed some of the lower protein feed from Tractor supply. Sometimes they had Sportsman Choice (Cargill)36% and sometimes Purena at 32%. I would feed these if I had run out of the higher quality Purena Aquamax and could not get any more in a timely fashion. In the beginning I actually fed catfish chow (it was all I knew about and available) then transitioned to the TSC sportfish feed and ultimately to Aquamax once I learned more about the quality of fish food.

The fish feeds at Tractor Supply are far superior than no feed at all and BG will grow well on it. I consider it more of a recreational supplimental feed. If you are serious about fish growth (and considering you bought a premium feeder I suspect you are) I would skip the cheaper, lower protein feed from TSC and get either Optimal or Purena Aquamax or whatever high protein Cargill equivalent there is.

Be mindful that if you feed you inceease the standing crop of fish. More pounds of fish in the same water equals the need for a higher management level. Aereation and or more harvest should be considered. The more you push the pond with higher production, the greater chance for a fish kill if you do not also consider the water quality and the pounds of fish the pond will ultimately support through varying seasons and conditions. Pouring the feed to them without considering the other living conditions the fish are in is like feeding out a hundred hogs in a pen only designed to handle 50.

You can start throwing out a handfull of feed around the feeder once the water temperature gets to 55 on sunny days to get the fish interested. See if you get any takers.

Last edited by snrub; 03/08/19 08:17 AM.


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