I recently had a 1 acre pond built. It is 13 ft deep on dam end...the dam is approx 40 ft wide at bottom and about 2 ft above water level at full. I have had a big rain that was 5.5 inches and between it and run off I catch it filled the pond within 3 ft of full. I recieved another 1 inch rain 6 days later but in between the time i dropped 1 1/2 ft. I just recieved another 3 inch rain 7 days later which brought it back up to within 3 ft of full. I have dropped 1.5 inches in one day. Is this a concern with leakage? I would assume the amount of rain and how often would have everything soaked. No water behind dam

Last edited by Cdavis; 02/21/19 08:46 PM.