I have a new dam with spillway 3 1/2 acres. 75% of the dam will average 16-20ft deep. I know that isn't prime habitat but we build at dam grade across a steep sided draw. Their are 3 narrow tail waters 100ft long that will start at 16-18ft deep and will taper out to inches. 400ft along south edge has 10-20ft tall cedar trees (very dense) growing in the bottoms and up the side hills. I am in western South Dakota and average 12-15 inches of rain a year, dam was built this fall and does not have any water in it yet.
I am hoping for some snow run off to start filling dam. As soon as possible this spring I am wanting to put in 5 lbs FHM and a few 5 gallon buckets of crayfish out of some of my other dams. This is what I am thinking for stocking plan, feel free to tear it apart. If adequate water this fall stock with SMB and WE, not for sure if I can source and WE close enough. SMB will probably be sourced from local pod. The following spring YP and GSH. Then play the waiting game and see how the SMB and WE are growing and when I have plenty of 10-12 inch fish put in BCP and BG. BCP and BG would be stocked at low numbers so they don't over populate. This dam wont have any aeration and no pellet feeding. I am sure someone will ask why not put in LMB, well most all stock dams around here are LMB so just looking for something a little different. I don't expect the WE to spawn. Suggestions and stocking rate suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.