Well as of March of this year my BCP will have been in for 5 years with only one known spawn the same year as they were stocked.. caught some of the original stockers a year later (released them) at 12-14”. Since then have not caught any over 10”, most around 8”and not thin . Haven’t seen any small BCP at all. Was wondering if they had failed spawns every year or what is going on . Lots of LMB that are different age classes from 6” to 18-20”. Since BCP go pelagic soon after they are born wondering if the LMB are eating all or most of them . Cause I can catch LMB schoolies out in open water any time . There is lots of BG recruitment and seems to be lots of 1-2” around the shoreline. Any thoughts on why the largest offspring BCP are around 8-9” after 5 years? Any input would be appreciated