Still trying to build forage. I had hoped for LCS but so far no sign of a successful spawn. I have stocked FHM multiple times but they are eaten before they spawn due to lack of cover

I have boat loads of GSH and have started to see my first few spawns of SFS this summer/fall. The crevice spawning devices have clouds of minnows around them.

I have young RES but I did not see spawning circles this year, saw them last year. I hope the adults are OK as I can't catch them.

I have some LES adults that I have caught but not many

I have adult YP but have been removing perch egg ribbons to try to keep a lid on how many young YP I have.

If I put WE in this year then I would probably leave the YP ribbons in place. If WE eat GSH then I have the fattest happiest pellet slurping GSH anywhere around.

Oh, and there is always a crop of goldfish young. I have the adult population down to about 40-50 and the kids have fun catching them, harvesting about 10-12 every time they go. I imagine one season of a predator (especially if we do SMB or LMB) and the GF will be gone.