Bill D, I appreciate every 1 cent addition.. And to be clear on my water line, as it enters and follows pond bottom, at what is approx. 7.5ft deep, I added a 90 deg (actually 2 45 deg) fittings and a base bracket with a 2' riser coming straight up. I added a 10" piece surrounding the 2" main line to create an augmenter tube in effect, an underwater venturi of sorts to help lift bottom layer. with water on it creates an incredible surface "boil".. Moves a lot of water.
I've built a venturi to try in-line after researching the different types of DIY methods out there. I didn't get to try it before it iced over though..
I got a very small window of "feeling out" evaporation rates as the pond was finished mid July and looking back, I ran water for 24hrs an average of once every 9 days. I'm going to try it out if the weather lets things normalize temp-wise. Something I had never given a second thought to was well water being low DO2, even though in these parts with flat ground and no trees, the surface is subject to winds so there is some small wave action to expose and aerate but not when there's ice.. I gotta try it out.