jludwig and Redonthehead: Good suggestions from the NRCS. Just paid the office a visit. St. Charles, MO county requires 2 permits. One for land disturbance. The other for construction. And yes y'all are right, I need to stay below 35 ft, but using the topo maps, if they're accurate, I still think I can build a nice one. The guy at NCRS is doing a watershed analysis and offered to come out. He gave me a website for soil analysis. https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/
It says most of the area is Holstein loam, followed by Gatewood-Gasconade-Crider loam. So need to find out about that soil. I found somewhere that Holstein is moderately permeable with high runoff, so idk. I'll be building a house out there and will have the guys dig a test hole to look closer at the soil.