We had a four month drought that dropped our pond level 24+ inches. During this period we stopped all sampling because we didn't want to stress our larger bluegills. Now that recent rains have raised the pond some we decided to do a sample. Here are the results. I use the following site to determine RW.


Our first fish over 10 inches.

We caught 18 bluegill and two redears. We sampled 16 bluegill and tossed two 6 in BG back without measuring. The two readears were 8 in and 9 in and weighed 8 oz and 9 oz.

We use a Chatillon 2 pound spring scale graduated in half ounce increments to weigh. The hook on the scale is much too large to secure a bluegill without hooking in the gills. I modified the hook with the addition of a #8 barbless hook I use tying flies. It is easy to hook in the lips and remove leaving only a pin size hole. My wife used the same hook with crickets to catch nine and I used a fly with #10 barbless hook to catch seven.

I was a little disappointed, believing we might catch some pushing 24 oz. We might be a little too optimistic but there are larger BGs swimming around. We feed three times a day with a 50/50 mix of Aquamax 500 and 600. Our basic management plan is to release all BG under 6 in and over 8 in and remove most females. We release all bluegills over 16 oz unless deep hooked or injured. Due to low numbers of 6 to 8 in slot BG we are releasing them until we get a better read on their numbers.