I live just east of Kansas City MO and we are in a horrible drought. We have not have a single rain above 1.4" since March. Almost all our rains are .1-.4"

Needless to say the ponds in my area are way down, including my neighbors who both have dry ponds now for the first time in 31 years they said.

Our pond has done better but we are down 4 to 4.5 feet. with maybe only 4.5-5' now at deepest spot. They are predicting a very wet pattern the next week of up to 7.5"

I've taken advantage of adding pee gravel areas, contour changes, PVC fish trees, and cider blocks with so much shore being exposed. If this rains comes, should we turn the fountain on for longer periods of time to help mix the water?

Lets hope we get this rain!

Last edited by tallryan610; 10/03/18 09:26 AM.