The water column temps at my pond dropped 10 degrees about a week ago which led me to change the aerator times to the daytime instead of nights. This has caused the feeding to fall off considerably and I don't think you could catch one on a hook if you were starving to death. I have since cut the feed in half as well.

I am afraid that messing with the aerator schedule to try and compensate for temperatures has really messed with the fish's routine. I suppose that there could be other reasons, but, besides the temp drop, that' all I can come up with. The clarity has stayed the same. I am now running the air from 9am to 1 pm and plan to tapper that schedule as fall ensues. I'm not sure that the benefits, what little there may be, of altering the air schedule to compensate for fall season temps are not overtaken by the loss of feeding benefits.

Fish on!,