Almost a full year with out any substantial rain until September! We had about 4-5 days of heavy sprinkles and intermittent showers leading up to the big rain. This helped because I have 2-3 ponds to my north that need to fill up before I get big runoff. I think my 'neck of the woods' received about 4" in under two hours once it finally opened up. I am guessing around 9 feet of water depth from it since I have about 200 acres of runoff that funnels into my pond.

Pic is from the West side of the pond where the dock will be. Notice the INTACT stack of pallets. They just lifted right up and took sail!

Erosion is a real thing by the way! lol. These are pics on the north side where that stack of rip was. The idea original was that it would slow down the flow and create a drop so that the sediment would settle. Not that it is a big deal, but I noticed some small erosion during spring but didnt think anything of it. It turned into ALOT of erosion once the big rain finally hit.

Yes, I forgot to weigh down the north aeration setup. LOL.

Last pic is of that 10:1 area over ran with weeds.

More questions and a few videos to follow!
