I wasn't sure where to put this since it will cover several sections but I think this might be the best forum for it. We close on our new place in just over a week, this will be my first pond and I am excited to have a place to fish. The pond is just over 3 acres and it is split between my property and the neighbors so I can't make any drastic changes without us talking it over.

So what I know: 3.2 acre pond, no pond management actively going on other than the current owner having a fish feeder that he hasn't been running for the past six months.

What we don't know - What is in the pond other than catfish/LMB/bluegill of some type.

So my questions:

- What is the best way to start figuring out what is living in this pond other than throwing some lines out and seeing what we catch. Throw a cast net? Fyke net?

- Want to start running the fish feeder since I don't know the age/size/type of fish what type/size feed would be a good starting point?

My plan was to start fishing and using the relative weight calculator spreadsheets I found Here to track and then start culling out the ones under a yet undetermined size threshold. Any advice is greatly appreciated.