Eric this is about CC and not HSB but wife and I had experience about the difference fish food makes while filleting four nice CC.

We had caught a couple on the east side of the pond opposite the dock. One could have easily been a 4# CC but it likely only weighed an estimated 3#. I feed all around the pond but I do not think this particular CC was getting much if any feed. Long and slender.

Then we moved to the dock and wife caught a couple more. I have been feeding the fish around the dock GSF I have been trapping from my forage pond as well as Aquamax MVP, Optimal BG and some Optimal Hand Throw pellets. The CC at the dock have become almost pests if not pets. The two she caught here were fat and sassy. The biggest was guessed at 3# (based on others we have filleted that we did weigh) but was a few inches shorter than the long slender one caught on the opposite side of the pond. Just a couple weeks ago we did catch a 4.1# weighed one that was about the same length as the long slender one that was probably only 3#.

Feed definitely makes a difference.


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