Originally Posted By: Mike Whatley
Back to the subject at hand Clay, I dont think, from reading your previous posts, that you necessarily want to drain or kill the pond and start over, but that is probably the only sure fire way to elimenate them and be 99.999% sure you've removed them completely. Whether they ever show up again would be anyone's quess. If you chose that route, I'd be inspecting EVERY fish you stocked, regardless of species, to try to prevent their return, especially if your supplier deals in HBG.

BTW...where'd you find your Chernoble Ants?

I did purchase HBG from a fish truck this spring. They were 3-4" fingerlings.
No way in heck the one I caught was a fingerling just 3 months ago.
It was a full grown monster.

I'm into the pond, stocking $ wise, way too deep for a reset. Plus I just don't think destroying the entire food chain is a good idea for my particular pond.
It's already infertile and I imagine a reset would just make it worse.

It was probably already in the BOW when I started this adventure.

I got the ants from Amazon.


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Last edited by Clay N' Pray; 07/25/18 07:34 AM.

Half acre 30 year old farm pond, Mebane NC. Aeration & feeder.
LMB, CC, SC, BG, HBC, two no account welfare carp and nine seasonal Tilapia that all the other fish are terrified of.