First I apologize if this is a stupid question, I am very new to this buying my first piece of property with a pond on it. During the buying process I have asked the current owners how deep and what the water source for the pond is. They aren't sure of the answer to either question other than it isn't spring fed as far as they know.

Walking the property and lookign at overhead maps there isn't any creeks feeding it but it is still holding water and we haven't seen a drop of rain in this part of Texas in quite awhile so it has to be getting water from somewhere.

The pond is at the lowest part of the property so it could be runoff but I would think that being as dry as it has been it should be much lower than it is right now, this is the second driest summer on record. On top of that within 1000 feet of this pond there are three much larger ponds on other peoples properties and they all seem to be holding water well too. Looking back at 2012 google earth images (another historic drought) all of the four ponds held water well then too.

So a long post to ask what might be a simple question, how does someone figure out the source of their ponds water?