Dave, you give me hope! smile

I actually don't care too much about the visibility from an aesthetics standpoint because the water clarity changes so much through the seasons. I was really wanting to clear it up a smidge for the fish. Since this is a new pond, I know I have a ways to go with establishing submerged vegetative habitat (very apropos topic in Bob's FB Live this week). The pond has fluctuated from very clear to slightly murky with the rains. I have a secchi and measured at first, but have since made visual queues along the bank falloff and can kinda "ballpark it" without the disk. This last few weeks, it has been the poorest visibility since instantiation. I don't think it's a bloom based on color, but it certainly could be. All seems to be well sans visibility. I just want my CNBG to make babies and they aren't cooperating. Maybe I'm reading too much into this... smile

Thanks, guys...


96.85840735 percent clayton... the rest is just pi.

We become what we think about.