Wow John!! That's a lot of information to absorb! Thank you for taking the time to be so thorough and detailed. I've read everything (including links) to the point my brain (that ain't hard to accomplish).

I can see I will need a diffuser with a check valve. My intent is to run the system 12 hours a day. Summer at night, winter during the day. So the down time between runs will likely be creating excessive back pressure at startup.

From the pump to the diffuser, which is approx 100 feet, there is a 17 foot drop in grade. All downhill. The only part of the airline which would have an uphill run would be the last few feet to the diffuser, which will be elevated off the bottom approx 2 feet on a pedestal of milk crates (3 on the bottom, one centered on top). That would put the diffuser at around 10 ft. The pond is more square than round, but very symmetrical with steep sides and a flat botton at 12 feet.

My only other option is to aerate 24/7/365.

As far as winter is concerned, SW LA doesn't get too extreme. It isn't uncommon for surface temps to still be in the 60s by mid Nov-Dec. While we did have some 20s this past winter, that's the coldest I can remember here in nearly 40 years. Even at that, the pond was warm enough to prevent any freezing. Not even around the bank.

I really like the idea of plumbing in a relief valve. I don't know how that would benefit the system, unless I can set it to release at the pumps optimal pressure for the depth of the diffuser.

With only 1 acre feet (326k gallons), I feel like I can get by with a single diffuser and still get the turnover the pond needs. Does that sound right?

Last edited by Mike Whatley; 06/25/18 07:37 PM.

.10 surface acre pond, 10.5 foot deep. SW LA. The epitome of a mutt pond. BG, LMB, GSF, RES, BH, Warmouth, Longear Sunfish, Gambusia,Mud Minnows, Crappie, and now shiners!!...I subscribe!!