OK, finally might be able to contribute instead of just asimilating all the info on this board.

Bob, I looked over your past posts and I trust you realize how bad an idea introducing Goldfish to your pond was, not just for it & it's clearity but for the whole watershed if it is connected to one. Even if it is not it only takes one really bad storm to spread the joy you experienced.
(Sorry I had to critisize, but EVERYONE should be careful about undesireble introductions)

Anyway in Quebec pretty much the only fish that can be stocked are salmonids, at least thats all you'll be able to find easily. Here's the list of fish allowed for our region.
Species that can be stocked in the eastern Townships (french)

In my pond brook trout spawn from Mid October through November and I believe right up to Ice over. I'm probably less than 100KM from you so the time frame should fit. However Brook Trout spawning in your pond is appearently VERY, VERY rare if it's a closed environement. I have yet to find much online about self sustaining private trout ponds. My brookies spawn in ground water inflows in gravel veins as mentioned by Dave. However it's my understanding (Non academic) that rainbows cannot take advantage of such spawning sites. Rainbows would need flowing water and I believe quite a bit of it, you may have the required habitat in the waterway that connects your ponds but I think the required flow is likely more than what you pump.

Did your bass ever spawn? If not and what you want are jumping fish, why not fish out the bass & trash fish as much as possible and reintroduce trout. Unless you have a warm water pond you'll be better off with trout. Of course you'd need to stock big trout if all other fish are not removed but if you call around different fish suppliers you could likely get good prices this fall when they start looking to shut down some of their operations.

Last fall I picked up 250 - 4" all female Kamloops raibows @0.40 cents (Canadian) each.

Well there's my little contribution... & to the pros if I'm spreading miss information please do critisize.

Please let us know where you go from here, we need more trout/Cold water pond discussions on here.


Chris H