I saw that video quite a while back and had to watch it several times also to get it right.

That is a lot larger net and has a few differences than the small ones like mine.

Coiling the rope up is important although being a small net (with a shorter throw line) I make the coils only about a foot in diameter instead of arms length like she does.

Then when holding the net there is no need to fold it over like she does. Just grab it just beneath the horn and let the net drape down naturally. Don't fold a foot of it over like she does.

Just let it hang down naturally, holding the net just below the horn along with the rope coils, grab the lead line nearest you an arms length down, pull it up and then throw like she does. Don't need all the extra steps of the larger net she has.

It is a really good video in showing the different parts and explaining some of the basics but using a larger net it does extra steps not needed for a small net. She makes it way more complicated than it needs to be for a small net.

Last edited by snrub; 06/22/18 10:24 AM.


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