My intelligence, nor your's has anything to do with it. I was trained to push back the natural tendency of humans to allow bias to cloud objective interpretation of evidence. This is what a science education does. I never said that bird's never transport fish, whether accidentally, on purpose, or through intelligence. I simply point out that the evidence for this is very very weak, and that other methods of fish transport are well known and greatly more likely. In this case, the transport of fish, except in very rare instances, is not supported by evidence, so conjecture on the reason for such transport is a moot point. Science cannot prove bigfoot does not roam the woods either. Science never proves a negative (cannot prove aliens have not visited the planet) but rather establishes a high confidence in a positive. What science can do is try to show the positive with high confidence (fish are transported by birds). After many years of folks postulating this hypothesis, science says that, at best, it is a very rare event. Anecdotal evidence is used in science to postulate a hypothesis, but not as evidence that it is correct. Spontaneous generation of maggots in carcasses was once widely accepted based on many eye-witness accounts.

Last edited by RAH; 06/20/18 12:16 PM.