DonoBBD wrote: "The belted king fisher was moving minnows into a small puddle one day. I watched for some time... thought it was odd. The next day I watched her with her babys in this small puddle leaning to fish. King fishers are called the king because not once did she leave our pond with out a minnow."

I've heard from enough people I trust about herons dropping fish in ponds, and Don's story above is astounding from a Mother Nature perspective.

When I observe a great blue heron, I always think about how similar it looks to pterodactyl. That makes believe a heron has a few million years of instinct burned into it's DNA.

That makes me believe these kinds of birds will absolutely knowingly put fish in a pond as a means of future food source.

Just my opinion....

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."