Thanks again Dave! We've had a 1,000 gallon koi pond for about twenty years...for a while we had about fifteen koi that over the years grew quite large. It has a 1 HP pool pump to run a massive water fall. The intake for the pump was my filter, using blankets of filter material. I was cleaning fish shit out of the plugged filters monthly...we also did not have these newer kinds of bacteria. The koi routinely tore up my water lilies...with teamwork! I lost all but three koi when some chlorine got in from a fresh water well job...I saved three with chlorine neutralizer. Then, I wanted to give them new water...forgot about the running hose and suffocated them with no oxygen. Now it's goldfish only along with some bastard crosses of koi-goldfish. Some of those I put in the new larger pond...they're ugly but goldfish gape and they're easy to see. The bass really get after the little ones.

Dan McWhirter