Thanks for that post ewest. If i had any inclination toward using fertilizer before, it's pretty much dried up like my grass.

Bought a pool thermometer yesterday and got it in the water. When I said the water was warm, I wasn't exaggerating. At 6pm it read 94 degrees. Visibility doesn't appear to have gotten any deeper, but I haven't measured it. The feeding activity was way off today and I've lost 5 fish since yesterday. Nothing substantial, but a loss is a loss.

That film I previously thought may be pollen is some kind of algae. It's turned green now, covering a good portion of the surface and has tiny bubbles scattered through it. I had a little algaecide left over so I VERY SPARINGLY hit what I could around the edge.

One of my biggest problems is it takes a real strong wind to get any benefit, and we've had as much wind as we have rain. The property is surrounded by trees and the house blocks a lot of any south wind.

I'm seriously investigating a venturi set up on my well so I can get some stir and O2 at least on top. That will let me get the level up to full pool as well. The well has a 1hp submersible pump and I can tie into a vacant 1 1/4" valve to route to the pond. Haven't decided whether to DIY it or buy something online. Lots of good info here to peruse through.

Aeration is a must, but the budget is too tight for that right now.

.10 surface acre pond, 10.5 foot deep. SW LA. The epitome of a mutt pond. BG, LMB, GSF, RES, BH, Warmouth, Longear Sunfish, Gambusia,Mud Minnows, Crappie, and now shiners!!...I subscribe!!