Thanks Al, that is the system that I should have if was going to fish during the summer. Like most everyone that has posted summer temps, it's been hot. Like others, I don't recall the weather or the ponds surface temps being so high during the first part of June. Another thing is I am seeing small schools of fry that sure look to be lmb fry. They are running in packs of 30 or so, and are shaped like a bass and are about a half to 1 inch long. They also swim different in the water column than the other fry I have seen over the past 4 yrs. So, I am pretty sure I had lmb spawn this year. Seamed late in the spring for bedding bass but I did have males guarding nest in mid April. I believe this has been my first time for a bass spawn. It took about 3 yrs for that to happen and with all the cnbg, I am not sure I will get any fry survival, guess we will see this fall. Crazy spring and summer this year.

Eric, I decided to leave the cnbg alone other than a few to eat now and then. I will try to get a pic of the size I have been eating. I am not looking for trophy cnbg, so if they get to where there are to many and they stunt, then that is just more food for the lmb. They wont stunt when we feed them with one feeder per acre, will they?

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