The mix that you indicate +RES, is often recommended in our area, but do not make the mistakes that I did on my first pond with this mix. First, to get your fish off to a good start, add FHM and let them increase in number to provide forage for the rest of the species before adding any other species (can add FHM pretty early, once a few feet of water is in pond). These minnows will likely be wiped out by the predators and adding more after predators are present will just be expensive fish food. Second, do not overstock the remaining species based on recommendations from fish suppliers. The species and the numbers stocked should be based on your goals for the pond (folks here can help with this). I no longer have CC in my pond because they are voracious fish predators and I prefer larger BG and LMB. Finally, my second pond is a YP/GSH/RES pond with the goal of trophy SMB. The initial growth on the few SMB that I added has been incredible and the one that I caught fought like a sea monster (stopped fishing after catching this one last Summer). A hard question for you to answer is what do you want out of your pond? My ponds are primarily for wildlife habitat and fun fishing for guests (as well as providing a swimming hole, although less so now that my kids are adults). I now have 3 fish ponds so I am experimenting in my last pond since this is very fun for me. For a LMB/BG/CC pond, regular harvesting of fish is often needed to prevent stunting. I have heard 20 LMB and 50 BG per acre per year as a rule of thumb. If you have CC, you need to account for them as well since they eat a lot. Most importantly, have fun!