Originally Posted By: beastman

Back to your question. 100 pounds of HSB per acre is a manageable number. If you stock this many HSB your bluegill will be intimidated and won’t utilize the feed as much. You may have to get creative and find ways to get the pellets to your panfish as well. A summertime water profile analysis would be helpful. Aeration IS NOT an absolute necessity if your water quality is good and you have some oxygen present in the deeper cooler layers. A thermocline allows HSB to hang out a little deeper on a hot summer day in a low stress environment. I wouldn’t feed them at all when the mean daily air temperature exceeds 82 degrees F. Some people will buy a device which runs the aerator only at night to prevent mixing hot surface water with cooler, deeper water. Ideally you would find a way to evaluate dissolved oxygen throughout the water column on hot days so you could determine how to make best use of an aerator.

That is what I was looking for. Thanks! I can figure out what I need to do based off of those numbers.

Last edited by BrianL; 03/14/18 02:12 PM.

1.8 acre pond with CNBG, RES, HSB, and LMB
Trophy Hunter feeder.