Sounds like a problem that rat poison will take care of, but be sure that it is placed where domestic animals cannot get at it. The downside is that mice often die in the walls and smell for a bit. We had mice getting into the walls before getting cats. My biggest worry is gnawing on electric wire insulation. If it is bats, then rat poison will not work, but unless someone actually sees the bats or guano, I do not understand why they think it is bats. Our mice were getting in through the attic and that is where we put the rat poison. I would cancel the meeting with the company that told you bats will bite you while you are sleeping. There are no vampire bats where you live. They are either incompetent or purposefully deceptive. Bats will bite if you trap or handle them, and as with any animal, will sometimes be aggressive if rabid. If you place rat poison in the attic, you can check it in a day or so to see if mice have been feeding on it. If so, then your problem is likely solved, but you will need to replenish the rat poison periodically. Mice can enter through very small holes, so it is often very difficult to completely exclude them.

Last edited by RAH; 01/10/18 08:26 AM.