With using normal stocking numbers (which you likely don't have - you have more) you are at the point where initial growth is maxed out. The fish will still grow but pond has reached carrying capacity. So harvest and population mgt is now critical. Watch the results of RW , catch results and electroshock closely and harvest accordingly. I think you are on point with adding or improving forage size. TFS are great for small to med sized LMB but not for big (5+ lb) LMB. TFS don't live long 2 yrs max and 6 in is about the max and only for a %. You might want to drop back on HSB #s to 10 for a year or two and assess #s and mortality. IMO 100 HSB or less is enough in your situation. Remember that the status of your forage is a good indicator of what the predators look like. If larger forage declines it likely means those 4-5 lb LMB don't have enough to eat to grow bigger. They need 6 to 8 inch forage. Do not remove your initial LMB and harvest from gen 2 and 3 etc. That becomes harder to do (id original stockers) as the 2 and 3 yr olds get to 4-5 lbs. You will likely need larger GSH and tilapia as you move forward.