I know we have discussed this recently, but I wanted to start a new thread to ask a few questions. I dropped my water 24". this exposed a large amount of vegetation that is carpeting my pond bottom. I have sprayed it with cutrine. The water has really cleared in the last week or so and I am seeing more plants further out. Best I can tell the majority of it is chara. It is a taller brushy looking plant. I really hate to lower the water more for fear of stressing the fish, but I doubt that would matter much.I am here in Alabama where it doesn't get very cold. Every year or so we get a thin layer of ice, but not much.

How deep do you northern guys feel like you need for your fish to survive the winter?

Will the chara survive the winter in clear water (lots of light penetration) even in the cold?

Anything I can apply during the colder weather, dye or algaecide? I am afraid if I apply die we will get a big rain soon after and pond will fill and start to overflow and wash the die away.

Will the stuff up on the dry banks die from exposure?

Scott Hanners